Kamala Harris Tells Oprah She Would Shoot Anyone Trying to Break into Her Home, Sparking Conservative Outrage

Kamala Harris Tells Oprah She Would Shoot Anyone Trying to Break into Her Home, Sparking Conservative Outrage

Vice President Kamala Harris stunned Oprah Winfrey and angered conservatives on social media during a virtual campaign rally on Thursday when she admitted that she would shoot anyone attempting to break into her home. 

The statement was made during the livestream “Unite for America Rally” which was being hosted by the billionaire, when she confessed being shocked to learn that Harris was a gun owner during her presidential debate with former President Donald Trump.

“I did not know that. And I thought that was powerful,” said Winfrey.

“If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot, sorry,” Harris replied, donning her signature laugh.

“Yes, yes. I hear that, I hear that,” said Winfrey.

“Probably should not have said that,” Harris said as laughter filled the room. “But my staff will deal with that later.” 

Harris’ comment comes as she has been heavily ridiculed for her radical stance on guns. 

At last week’s debate, Harris announced that she and her running mate Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz owned guns and insisted that they were not trying to take “anybody’s guns away,” Fox News reported.

Yesterday, Resist the Mainstream reported that a video had resurfaced showing then DA Harris telling citizens of San Francisco that law enforcement would invade the locked homes of gun owners to make sure they were “being responsible.”

“We’re going to require responsible behaviors among everybody in the community, and just because you legally possess a gun in the sanctity of your locked home doesn’t mean that we’re not going to walk into that home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs,” she said in 2007.

Harris’ remarks were far off from her radical ideation of strict gun control laws and supporting gun buyback programs during her presidential campaign in 2019.

Conservatives on social media were quick to call out Harris’ hypocrisy for wanting to defend herself but refusing the same right to law-abiding Americans.

“She knows she’s a hypocrite because she wants an ‘assault weapons ban,’” wrote political commentator and investigative reporter Drew Hernandez.

“Meanwhile she wants to take away the rights of legal gun owners and more than likely charged them when she was a DA in California. Hypocrite,” another conservative wrote.

Trending Politics co-owner Collin Rugg noted that Harris is rebranding herself as a pro Second Amendment candidate after fighting throughout her career to ban assault weapons. 

At one point, as Resist the Mainstream reported, Harris referred to Republicans as “extremists” for supporting the Second Amendment.

Many have criticized her for flipping on policies in a bid to attract voters, despite her claim to CNN’s Dana Bash that her “values” remain unchanged.

Source: Resistthemainstream