Former Employee Reveals Shocking Conditions in NYC Migrant Hotel: ‘Free for All’

A New York City theater district hotel has replaced show-goers with illegal aliens as clients that Gotham pays $500 per night to house.

The illegal aliens relocated to New York City, a sanctuary city with a guaranteed housing policy estimated to cost city taxpayers more than $4 billion this fiscal year.

A former Row NYC hotel employee describes it as a place of bedlam where new residents follow their native country’s laws and customs. U.S. law is flouted and rarely enforced, former employee Carlos Arellano claimed.

Fox News further reported:

A former employee is blowing the whistle on conditions and activity inside a trendy Manhattan tourist hotel now housing migrants. 

Carlos Arellano, the former employee, said the Row NYC Hotel is a “free for all” as drugs, sex and violence engulf the hotel, which is now one of the city’s largest housing areas for migrants. 

On “Fox & Friends Weekend” Saturday, Arellano detailed a heartbreaking discovery where he claimed to have found a ten-year-old girl drunk in her hotel room with her parents nowhere to be found. He added that it, sadly, was not a one-off incident.

“Every day, we find about ten kids alone in their hotel rooms, either drinking or doing drugs. Weapons will be in the room. But we’re not allowed to go in there. We’re not allowed to take anything from them. It’s basically a free-for-all,” Arellano said.

The Row is located in the city’s theater district and was a popular tourist hotel. In light of the migrant crisis, the hotel is no longer open to guests and has become a dedicated migrant hotel for individuals who have completed the trek from the southern border to New York City.  

While he is no longer working at the Row, Arellano shared that he and other workers had experienced trashed rooms, violence in the street and multiple staff incident reports during his time there.

“Just a lot of people who are very there, they don’t appreciate what they have. And they come here with the mindset of the way they live back at their home country, and they think there’s no rules or no laws to be followed here,” he said.

Incidents involving children are also common occurrences like the young girl found intoxicated in a hotel room, Arellano claims. He said hotel staff has little they can do to help much less to identify the children or their parents.

He even shared that employees are not sure whether the children’s parents are actually their parents, because of “fake” documents.

“We find fake passports, fake Social Security cards, all kinds of fake documents in this hotel every day,” he said.

Arellano admitted he and other former coworkers felt endangered “every day” while working at the Row.

“A lot of former coworkers have reached out and are happy that I did the interview. And they’re saying this place deserves to be shut down, that they fear for their life every day, as well as I do,” he said.

Despite the prevalence of dangerous activity, Arellano said they are few consequences, and if there are, often times, the migrants are simply reprocessed and sent to a different hotel or housing center.

“If they are kicked out of the hotel, they get sent to a processing center at Port Authority where they get given a second hotel,” Arellano claimed. 

“So, say a husband decides to beat his wife up. He will get kicked out, and they will just process him into a single men’s hotel. So if you break the law, it’s not ‘We’re going to report it to the proper authorities.’ It’s ‘Let’s give you a second or third hotel room, and you still stay in the city’.”

In a memo from the New York City Office of Management, reported by the New York Post, the city will spend an estimated $4.2 billion on costs related to migrants and asylum seekers through June 30, 2023, and the end of fiscal year 2024.

At the Row specifically, it is costing taxpayers around $650,000 per night to house the migrants, ringing in around $500 per night per room.

Source: Resistthemainstream

Target Loses $10B in Market Cap in 10 Days and Stock Falls to Its Lowest Trading Value in a Year

Target has lost more than $10billion in market capitalization in the span of 10 days – as it continues to face backlash for Pride-themed merchandise.

Prior to the controversy – which stems over a LGBTQ-geared clothing campaign that touts ‘tuck-friendly’ bathing suits and pro-trans T-shirts for kids – Target shares were trading at $160.96, giving the retailer a market valuation of roughly $74.3billion.

By the time The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) closed Friday, the blue-chip stock was trading at $138.93 – marking a market valuation of 64,2billion, and loss of $10.1billion.

The sum, moreover, stands as the superstore’s lowest market value in an entire year – all achieved in a matter of days as customers swear off its products in response.

As this consumer-led retaliation continues to be felt, Texas Senator Ted Cruz devoted an entire episode of weekly podcast Friday to the backlash, classifying the burgeoning boycott as one difficult to achieve, but on that’s ultimately warranted.

Likening the task to conservative pushback against DeSantis opponent Disney, the 52-year-old politician said the response currently being seen against the Minneapolis-based megastore is warranted, claiming Target ‘disrespected’ their customers with the recent rollout.

However, the senator said a successful boycott would be a lofty task, saying it would be tougher for conservatives to stop giving their hard-earned cash to a department store like Target rather than a beermaker like Bud Light.

‘Conservatives have typically been not very good at boycotts,’ Cruz explained on his Verdict podcast Friday, commenting the recent controversy is indicative of how ‘big companies don’t understand their customers and don’t respect their customers.’

‘You can be annoyed at Disney, but if your kids really want to go to Disney World, that can be hard to say no to. There’re not a lot of alternatives. There’s Six Flags, but Disney World is a pretty unique offering.

‘I mean, look, there’s only one Snow White or Cinderella, or Toy Story from Pixar. That is a difficult product for many people to give up permanently,’ Cruz said on his podcast, Verdict with Ted Cruz.

In contrast, the senator said, a boycott over something as nondescript as Bud Light is much easier to achieve, hence its success into getting brass at the Belgium-based brewer to bend to consumers’ whims.

‘What really came to bite Bud Light is that wasn’t a hard boycott,’ the politico said of the domestic beer’s inherent average-ness.

‘It’s difficult for nobody on planet Earth if you were going to order a Bud Light to say, “I’ll have a Coors Light.” That’s a very simple substitution.’

As for Target, Cruz conceded: ‘We’ll see how prolonged and easy a substitution it is.’

‘There’s Walmart. You know, there are alternatives,’ he added. ‘I will say Targets are located in a lot of areas and very convenient for a lot of shoppers. So we’ll see if this becomes a persistent consequence or not.’

Cruz’s comments come as an increasing amount of moderate-minded shoppers have taken issue with Target’s new ‘Pride Collection’, particularly with items in its children’s section.

Outraged over LGBTQ-friendly slogans such as ‘Trans People Will Always Exist!’, ‘gay’, and ‘Live Laugh Lesbian’, they have accused the retailer of grooming – as several staffers in more rural areas such as the South have reportedly sought to hide and tone down these new sections in apparent shame.

Staffers at Target HQ reportedly held an ’emergency’ meeting last week to avoid what a Target insider told Fox brass had colloquially labeled a ‘Bud Light situation.’

An insider divulged the company made the emergency decision at the last minute, in direct response to threats staff had received in recent weeks over the new displays.

In a statement last week, Target – led by CEO Brian Cornell – announced the company had pulled some items it had received complains about, specifying that have ‘been at the center of the most confrontational behavior.’

‘Since introducing this year’s collection, we’ve experienced threats impacting our team members’ sense of safety and wellbeing while at work,’ the firm said in its statement.

‘Given these volatile circumstances, we are making adjustments to our plans, including removing items that have been at the center of the most significant confrontational behavior.’

The company did not specify which items had been taken off-shelves. As of Sunday, many of the swimsuits, onesies and t-shirts that sparked outrage remain available online.

Target has supported Pride – celebrated throughout the month of June – every year since 2013, with this year’s collection only the latest to prove polarizing.

In 2014, Target publicly endorsed marriage equality, and the following year announced it was ending their policy of dividing certain products, like toys, by gender.

Target also introduced a gender neutral line for children, and in April 2016 – amid a nationwide discussion about bathroom access – announced that transgender people were free to use whichever bathroom they chose.

A backlash ensued, and Target in August 2016 spent $20 million to add a private bathroom to each of its stores.

Source: CF

Chorus of Republicans Disappointed With Debt Ceiling Agreement: ‘Surrender’

Many Republicans are expressing their disappointment over some of the components inside the tentative debt ceiling agreement between President Joe Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.).

McCarthy clarified details of the deal in a late Saturday night call with his GOP colleagues. A chorus of House Republicans took to Twitter to share their disappointment, with one representative calling it a “surrender.”

“I listened to Speaker McCarthy earlier tonight outline the deal with President Biden and I am appalled by the debt ceiling surrender,” tweeted Rep. Ken Buck (R-Co.). “The bottom line is that the U.S. will have $35 trillion of debt in January 2025. That is completely unacceptable.”

Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.), a member of the House Freedom Caucus, said the deal would be challenging to accept for any person claiming to be a conservative.

“No one claiming to be a conservative could justify a YES vote,” he tweeted.

Over the next day, Republican and Democratic negotiating teams will finalize legislative text and the bill will go to the House and Senate next week. Biden urged both chambers to pass the agreement immediately.

There are already some concerns that McCarthy will be unable to secure enough votes on his side of the aisle.

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Co.) revealed on Twitter that she will be a “‘No’ on this deal. We can do better.”

“Our base didn’t volunteer, door knock, and fight so hard to get us the majority for this kind of compromise deal with Joe Biden,” she tweeted. “Our voters deserve better than this. We work for them.”

Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) tweeted “hard pass,” noting that Democrats had agreed to “virtually none” of the policies integral in the Republicans’ proposed Limit, Save, Grow Act.

The Biden-McCarthy proposal is “insanity,” says Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), who confirmed that he is “not gonna vote to bankrupt our country” with a $4 trillion debt ceiling increase without any significant cuts, as that “is not what we agreed to.”

For now, until the official plan is released, many lawmakers are taking a wait-and-see approach.

Source: Resistthemainstream

Katie Hobbs Vetoes Election Integrity Bills — Arizona Will Stay in ERIC

Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs (D) vetoed several bills on Friday that were passed by the state’s GOP-controlled legislature that she argued would have undermined election integrity and introduced burdensome regulations that would have made Arizona’s electoral process more complicated and difficult.

One of the most significant bills she vetoed would have pulled the state from its involvement in the Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), a coalition of more than 30 states that share information on voters’ status to help them maintain updated voter rolls.

A few Republican-led states throughout the country have pulled out from ERIC following false claims that the system is tied to liberal activists and favors left-leaning candidates.

Hobbs said in her veto letter that ERIC is an “essential tool” to ensure accurate voter rolls.

“It is unfortunate that many Republicans in the Legislature continue to fan the flames of false allegations of voter fraud, yet send to my desk a bill that would prevent Arizona from joining organizations that actually help improve the integrity of our elections,” she said.

Hobbs also vetoed bills that would have required voter registration organizations to print “Not from a Government Agency” on the envelopes of election-related documents they send to people and that would have required election workers to count early ballots at polling sites on Election Day.

Hobbs argued that the requirement that the “Not from a Government Agency” take up 10 percent of a document’s height would create an “unreasonable burden” on the organizations, and the logistics of election officials counting early ballots on Election Day instead of later would be difficult to implement.

She also vetoed a bill that would have prevented organizations from paying their employees for the number of voter registrations that they collect, arguing that it is not the “right solution” to challenges facing the state’s elections.

Hobbs also vetoed a bill that would have banned photo radar and red-light cameras statewide.

The Arizona Mirror reported that the five vetoes bring Hobbs’s total number during her first term as governor to 99, more than any of her predecessors.

Republicans hold narrow majorities in both houses of the state legislature.

Hobbs previously vetoed several other election-related bills in the past two months, including legislation that would have changed requirements for voters to remain on the active early voter list, required voter tabulation equipment to be manufactured in the U.S. and meet standards from the Defense Department and required that representatives of both parties can challenge election workers’ decisions in determining is a signature on a ballot is valid.

Source: CF

Texas House to Vote on Impeachment of AG Ken Paxton

The Texas House of Representatives will convene on Saturday at 1 p.m. to act on 20 articles of impeachment filed against Attorney General Ken Paxton. The House General Investigations Committee, composed of three Republicans and two Democrats referred the articles of impeachment to the House on Thursday evening.

Debate by the Texas House of Representatives on 20 articles of impeachment referred by the General Investigating Committee will begin on May 27 at 1 p.m. The debate is expected to last four hours and will be concluded by a vote of the House on whether to impeach AG Paxton. If the House votes to impeach the attorney general, the matter will be referred to the Texas Senate for a trial.

The 20 articles of impeachment (attached below) include allegations that include the misapplication of public resources, bribery, and obstruction of justice, Breitbart Texas reported.

Members of the committee include Chairman Andrew Murr (R-Kerrville), Rep. Ann Johnson (D-Houston), Rep. Charlie Geren (R-Fort Worth), Rep. Oscar Longoria (D-Mission), and Rep. David Spiller (R-Jacksboro).

The committee spent months looking into allegations against Attorney General Paxton, Fox 26 Houston reported.

“Because of Paxton’s long-standing pattern of abuse of office and public trust, disregard and dereliction of duty, and obstruction of justice and abuse of judicial process, it is imperative that the House proceed with impeachment so that Paxton is prevented from using the significant powers granted to the attorney general to further obstruct and delay justice, not just by avoiding accountability for his wrongdoings, but by undermining the integrity of our state government,” the Republican-led committee said in a memo to the Texas House.

The committee proposed the allocation of four hours of debate on the House floor. Three hours of the time will be allotted to supporters and opponents of the impeachment. The committee reserved 40 minutes for opening arguments and 20 minutes for a closing statement. The 149 members of the House would then vote on the articles of impeachment.

Chris Hilton, litigation chief for the Texas Attorney General’s Office claims the impeachment is illegal because it violates Texas Government Code 665.081, Fox 4 Austin reported.

“It is not too late for the House to do the right thing and end this impeachment,” Hilton stated. “Texans knew about all of these allegations in the last election, and they rejected them by a margin of 10 percentage points.”

The memo from the General Investigating Committee rejected that opinion in the memo to the House, saying, “It does not apply to impeachment. The Texas Supreme Court has held that this provision does not apply when the Texas Constitution authorizes a procedure for removing a state officer.”

Paxton, who is not invited to speak during the House impeachment hearing, told reporters the impeachment vote is “deceitful” and an “act of political retribution,” the Austin American-Statesman reported.

“I hope the House makes the right decision, but, if not, I look forward to a quick resolution in the Texas Senate where I truly believe the process will be fair and just,” Paxton stated.

Republicans hold an 86-64 majority in the Texas House of Representatives. Assuming that all 64 Democrats would vote in favor of impeachment, only 11 Republicans would need to vote in the affirmative to move the impeachment to the Texas Senate for a trial.

Under the Texas Constitution, if the House votes to impeach Paxton, he would be immediately suspended from his position and Governor Greg Abbott could appoint an interim Attorney General.

Republicans also hold a 19-12 majority in the Texas Senate. The Texas Constitution requires a two-thirds majority of the senators who are present to convict and permanently remove Paxton from his elected position of attorney general. This means that nine Republican senators would have to join with the 12 Democrats to convict.

Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick told WFAA ABC 8 on Thursday night, “I don’t cast a vote. The 31 members cast a vote. I preside over it.”

“But we will all be responsible as any juror would be if that turns out to be and I think the members will do their duty,” Patrick stated.

Paxton is currently serving in his third term as Attorney General of the State of Texas.

While the 88th Session of the Texas Legislature is about to come to an end, the Texas Constitution allows both chambers to remain in session to carry out their roles in the process. If the Legislature adjourns, there are multiple avenues available to call the Legislature back into session to vote on impeachment and conduct the trial.

Source: CF

Doctor Who Performed Abortion on 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Fined by Indiana Medical Board

Dr. Caitlin Bernard was fined $3,000 by the Indiana Medical License Board on Thursday after she previously told a reporter that she performed an abortion on a 10-year-old rape victim.

Republican State Attorney General Todd Rokita filed a complaint in December 2022 with the board after Bernard told a reporter with the Indianapolis Star about the 10-year-old’s abortion, according to The Washington Post. The board held a hearing on Thursday to discuss the complaint and determined, after 14 hours, that Bernard had broken patient privacy laws and gave her a letter of reprimand along with a fine of $3,000.

Rokita released a statement on Twitter that night in which he said he appreciated the board’s “extraordinary time and consideration.”

“Like we have said for a year, this case was about patient privacy and the trust between the doctor and patient that was broken,” he said. “What if it was your child, your parent, your sibling who was going through a sensitive medical crisis, and the doctor, who you thought was on your side, ran to the press for political reasons? It’s not right and the facts we presented today made that clear.”

Bernard and her attorneys blamed “public figures” and “political figures” for the publicity the Indianapolis Star’s story received.

“I don’t think that anybody would have been looking into this story as any different than any other interview that I’ve ever given if it was not politicized the way that it was by public figures in our state and in Ohio,” Bernard said during the hearing, according to The Washington Post.

Bernard performed an abortion on a 10-year-old female patient, who was later found to have been raped by a 27-year-old illegal immigrant in Ohio. Bernard filed a report on the abortion with the police two days after the procedure.

Rokita opened an investigation into Bernard in 2022, alleging that she failed to follow proper procedure when reporting potential rape victims to the police and had broken her obligation as a physician to protect a patient’s privacy after she talked to a reporter about the story. In response, Bernard filed a lawsuit against Rokita, arguing that he had used “facially invalid consumer complaints to justify multiple, duplicative, and overbroad investigations into law-abiding physicians,” but later rescinded the suit after a judge ruled in favor of Rokita’s investigation but reprimanded him for breaching confidentiality.

Source: CF

Comer Says Alleged Biden Bribe Was $5M, Threatens FBI with Contempt

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer says an informant file that he’s seeking from the FBI links President Biden to a $5 million bribery scheme while he was vice president.

Comer (R-Ky.) revealed the size of the alleged bribe for the first time Wednesday in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, threatening him with contempt proceedings if he doesn’t share the file pursuant to a May 3 subpoena.

The informant tip is dated June 30, 2020, Comer wrote — an additional clue in the mysterious allegation that triggered a guessing game due to the Biden family’s extensive consulting work in countries where the then-VP held sway.

In a remarkable coincidence, Ukrainian officials held a press conference in Kyiv on June 13, 2020 — 17 days before the FBI tipoff — where they showed off $5 million in cash allegedly offered as a bribe to end an investigation of natural gas company Burisma’s founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

Burisma employed first son Hunter Biden from 2014 to 2019 and an executive from the firm met Vice President Biden at an April 16, 2015, dinner in Washington.

The cash seized by Ukrainian officials in 2020 was paid in American $100 bills that were put on display — and matches the amount that Joe Biden allegedly received years earlier.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine said at the time that three Kyiv bureaucrats, including a current and a former tax official, were arrested and that an additional $1 million was offered to an office-holder working as a middleman.

Ukrainian anti-corruption prosecutor Nazar Kholodnytsky said at the press conference that “Biden Jr. and Biden Sr. do not appear in this particular proceeding,” Reuters reported at the time.

Two-and-a-half weeks later, however, the FBI document accusing Joe Biden of bribery was “created or modified,” according to Comer’s letter.

The Oversight Committee has not confirmed the country where Biden allegedly accepted the bribe as vice president, but a source previously told The Post that the allegation is not believed to deal with China, where the Biden family had two lucrative ventures — putting the focus on other nations such as Russia and Ukraine.

It’s unclear what US policy decisions would or could have been made by Biden in exchange for money if the bribery does involve Burisma.

Biden allegedly plugged US support for the natural gas industry in Ukraine days after his son Hunter secretly joined the board of Burisma, according to former White House stenographer Mike McCormick, who has been attempting — without success — to contact Delaware US Attorney David Weiss in order to testify to a grand jury investigating the first son for tax fraud, illegal foreign lobbying and other crimes.

As vice president, the elder Biden also used US aid as leverage to pressure Ukraine to fire a prosecutor who had investigated Burisma, though House Democrats — who impeached President Donald Trump in 2019 for pushing Ukraine to investigate the Bidens — presented evidence at Trump’s trial that US allies also advocated for the prosecutor’s ouster due to his own corruption.

Hunter Biden earned up to $1 million per year while on Burisma’s board despite no relevant industry experience.

Comer issued the legally binding subpoena demanding the informant file after a whistleblower tipped off Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).

The FBI refused to provide the file on May 10, citing concerns about informant confidentiality, as well as the fact that tips may be uncorroborated.

The committee chairman says the FBI has proceeded to give patronizing briefings to staffers at follow-up meetings.

“As previously stated, the whistleblower disclosures indicated that the FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) are in possession of an FD-1023 form describing an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions,” Comer wrote to Wray.

“The FBI’s refusal to produce this single document is obstructionist. Nevertheless, to narrow the breadth of the subpoena, we are providing additional terms based on unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures that may be referenced in the FD-1023 form: ‘June 30, 2020’ and ‘five million,’” he added.

“These terms relate to the date on the FD-1023 form and its reference to the amount of money the foreign national allegedly paid to receive the desired policy outcome.”

“Your response to the subpoena is due May 30, 2023,” Comer warned Wray. “If the FD-1023 form is not produced by that date, the Committee will initiate contempt of Congress proceedings.”

A congressional contempt vote typically is used to shame the subject, but it can also carry criminal penalties. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder, for example, was held in criminal contempt of the House in 2012 for refusing to hand over documents in the “Fast and Furious” gun-running scandal. But Holder’s Justice Department chose not pursue a prosecution of its own leader, meaning he faced no criminal penalties.

“The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people,” the bureau told The Post in a statement Thursday. “Releasing confidential source information could potentially jeopardize investigations and put lives at risk. The FBI remains committed to cooperating with Congress’s oversight requests on this matter and others as we always have.”


Plane Carrying 72 Crashes, at Least 68 Dead: Official, State TV

A plane with 72 people on board crashed in Nepal Sunday morning — killing at least 68 people, according to an army spokesman and reports.

The Yeti Airline plane was carrying 68 passengers and 4 crew members when it crashed near Pokhara International Airport, the Kathmandu Post reported, citing an airline spokesperson. Two infants and 10 foreign nations were also on board.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal called an emergency meeting of cabinet members after the crashed, and ordered security personnel to immediately assist with rescue efforts, the news outlet reported.

Dahal said the plane was flying from the capital, Kathmandu, to Pokhara in central Nepal when it went down.

A rescue team has been sent to the crash site via helicopter, the Kathmandu Post said.

“We expect to recover more bodies,” army spokesman Krishna Bhandari said. “The plane has broken into pieces.”

Videos of the crash on social media show flames and smoke billowing from the mangled twin-engine ATR 72.

Crowds quickly could be seen gathering around the wreckage as responders attempted to rescue any survivors.

It’s not clear if there are any survivors.

Weather can change suddenly in Nepal, home to eight of the world’s 14 highest mountains, including Everest, making for hazardous air conditions.

Source:Conservative fighters

U.S. Flights Were Grounded Because of One Man’s Mistake, Official Says

An engineer has been blamed for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) NOTAM system crash that halted all domestic airplane departures Wednesday morning, according to a new report.

A senior FAA official told ABC News Thursday that systems monitoring of the NOTAM system was at an urgently high level as a result of Wednesday’s debacle.

An engineer “replaced one file with another” during a routine scheduled systems maintenance effort on Wednesday morning, the official said, adding that the engineer was unaware of the mistake.

The FAA official also noted that Canada’s NOTAM system was disrupted Wednesday, although it remains unclear as to whether the problem was linked to the American failure. Canada was not forced to ground its flights and the official said Canada’s system is more modern.

The flight delays caused by the NOTAM failure on Wednesday lasted into Thursday. Over 600 flights within, into, or out of the U.S. were delayed and more than 80 were canceled on Thursday morning, The Wall Street Journal reported.

An industry collective called the OPSGROUP has been criticizing NOTAMS for years. “We communicate the most critical flight information, using a system invented in 1920, with a format unchanged since 1924, burying essential information that will lose a pilot their job, an airline their aircraft, and passengers their lives, in a mountain of unreadable, irrelevant bulls***,” a 2017 blog post from the group said.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which is funded and directed by 193 national governments to support their diplomacy and cooperation in air transport, noted the vast amounts of notices and coordination required to make air traffic flow go smoothly in in 2021.

“On any given day, there are some 35,000 active NOTAM circulating in the global air transport system. In 2020, the total number of NOTAM issued exceeded 1.7 million. … It is not uncommon for a pre-flight briefing package supporting a long-haul international flight to contain more than 100 pages of NOTAM information. Findings have shown that twenty percent of these will be old NOTAM, exceeding their three-month applicability period,” the group wrote.

Source: Conservative Fighters