Trump Rebukes Bill Maher, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle NYT Editorial Staff in Lengthy Social Media Tirade

Trump Rebukes Bill Maher, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle NYT Editorial Staff in Lengthy Social Media Tirade

President Donald Trump issued a scathing rebuke of several media personalities and institutions in a recent post on his social media platform, Truth Social. The lengthy diatribe targeted HBO host Bill Maher, MSNBC anchor Stephanie Ruhle, and the editorial staff of The New York Times, among others.

Trump’s ire was primarily directed at Bill Maher and his HBO show, which he described as “increasingly boring” and “ratings challenged,” the New York Post reported.

Trump accused Maher of suffering from “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME,” suggesting that the host’s criticism of him stems from an irrational obsession rather than legitimate concerns.

Trump referred to Maher as a “befuddled mess,” implying that the comedian’s commentary lacks coherence or insight. This attack comes in the wake of a recent episode of Maher’s show that featured discussions critical of Trump’s political positions and recent statements.

Trump’s criticism extended to Stephanie Ruhle, host of MSNBC’s “The 11th Hour.” Trump used derogatory language to describe Ruhle, calling her a “‘dumb as a rock’ bimbo” and mockingly referring to her network as “MSDNC,” a play on the acronym MSNBC that implies a bias towards the Democratic National Committee.

Trump’s post was apparently triggered by comments made during a September 20th episode of Maher’s show. During the program, Ruhle criticized Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric and made light of his recent interview on Twitter Spaces with a cryptocurrency enthusiast.

Trump also took aim at Bret Stephens, a columnist for The New York Times who appeared on the same episode of Maher’s show. Trump labeled Stephens a “Trump hating loser” and advised him to “find himself another line of work”.

This attack came after Stephens and Maher discussed Trump’s recent controversial comments about Jewish Americans and their potential impact on the 2024 election.

In the same post, Trump broadened his critique to include The New York Times as a whole, describing it as “FAILING” and accusing its editors of being “degenerate”. 

He claimed that it is “very hard, perhaps impossible, for a writer to write well of me without suffering the wrath of the degenerate editors”.

The timing of Trump’s outburst is noteworthy, as it comes shortly after he made a public commitment to “PROTECT WOMEN AT A LEVEL NEVER SEEN BEFORE” in a separate Truth Social post, as Resist the Mainstream previously reported.

The juxtaposition of this pledge with his use of gendered insults towards Ruhle has drawn criticism and accusations of hypocrisy.

This latest social media tirade is consistent with Trump’s long-standing adversarial relationship with mainstream media outlets and personalities who criticize him. It also reflects his tendency to use provocative language and personal attacks when responding to perceived slights or negative coverage.

As the 2024 presidential race continues to heat up, with Trump as a leading contender for the Republican nomination, his interactions with the media and his use of social media platforms are likely to remain under intense scrutiny.

Trump’s combative stance towards journalists and commentators continues to be a defining feature of his political persona, even as he faces multiple legal challenges and ongoing investigations related to his time in office.

Source: Resistthemainstream