Nikki Haley Has Not Been Asked to Campaign for Trump, But Remains on ‘Standby’ if ‘Ever’ Needed

Nikki Haley Has Not Been Asked to Campaign for Trump, But Remains on ‘Standby’ if ‘Ever’ Needed

Former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, who once vied for the Republican presidential nomination against President Donald Trump, revealed on Sunday that she has not been asked to assist with Trump’s 2024 campaign, despite being willing to do so. 

In an interview with Margaret Brennan on CBS’ Face the Nation, Haley confirmed her readiness to step in if called upon by Trump, saying, “He knows I’m on standby.”

Haley, a former South Carolina governor, stated that she last spoke with Trump in June. 

During that conversation, she expressed her support for his candidacy and her availability to help, should the campaign require her assistance. 

“I talked to him back in June. He’s aware that I’m ready if he ever needs me to do that,” Haley reiterated during the interview.

Although Haley expressed her openness to help, she made it clear that she is not actively involved in Trump’s campaign or debate preparations. 

“That’s his choice,” Haley said, emphasizing that any future involvement on her part would be at Trump’s discretion.

“He can, you know, whatever he decides to do with his campaign, he can do that. But when I called him back in June, I told him I was supportive.”

Despite maintaining a supportive stance toward Trump, Haley revealed that there have been no official requests for her to assist in the campaign. 

“I think the teams have talked to each other a little bit,” she said, “but there hasn’t been an ask as of yet.”

Politico reported that Haley previously competed against Trump in the Republican primary, coming the closest of any challenger to securing the nomination.

She ultimately endorsed Trump and his policies, urging unity within the Republican Party. 

Politico further noted that during the 2020 Republican National Convention (RNC), Haley was initially left off the speakers’ list but was later invited to speak in support of Trump after encouraging her delegates to back him.

Haley’s public endorsement of Trump, however, has not been without some reservations. 

When asked directly by Brennan whether she believes Trump is a “good candidate,” Haley avoided offering a definitive answer. 

“If I thought Biden or Trump were great candidates, I wouldn’t have run for president,” Haley said, explaining her decision to enter the 2024 race. 

“I ran because I thought I could do a better job.”

In recent months, Haley has positioned herself as a pragmatic conservative, acknowledging the current political landscape while hinting at her personal disagreements with Trump’s style and approach. 

Though Haley stopped short of offering an unequivocal endorsement, she made clear that she would choose Trump over President Joe Biden if the 2024 election came down to those two candidates. 

“When I look at the policies and how they affect my family, and how I think they’re going to affect the country, that’s where I go back and I look at the differences,” Haley said, adding that she remains focused on the broader impact of each candidate’s policies rather than their personal qualities. 

Haley’s willingness to stand by Trump—despite not being asked to participate in his campaign—underscores the complicated relationship between the former president and some of his one-time rivals.

Source: Resistthemainstream